These days cancer is said to be a fatal incurable diseases. Even the antibiotics have no solution for cancer. Even its causes are not yet known. Cancer can attack the tissues of any portion of the body. In the beginning it appears in the form of a small tumor without pain. If it persists for a month or so, Homoeopathic treatment should be started. If treatment is started early 75 percent of the cases are likely to be cured.
The tumor may appear on the tongue, check or any place on the outer body, inside the nose, throat, in the uterus of women, breast, in the stomach, lungs, liver, etc. If this tumor is cancerous it generally increases in size and destroys the tissues. An abcess is formed which ultimately turns into an ulcer or even gangrene. To ascertain whether the tumor is cancerous, a small piece of it is examined which is termed as Biopsy. If the result is positive no treatment is possible. If the tumor is removed by operation the cancer appears elsewhere. Sometimes the poison attacks the blood which is termed as Lukema or blood cancer.
Some scientists are of the opinion that mental tension due to disappointment in love, loss in business or any kind of grief, sorrow, mortification results in cancer. Smoking or chewing of tobacco is responsible for about 50 percent cases of cancer.
Carcinosin/Conium/Hydrastis/Carbo Animalis/Condurango/Cadmium Sulph/Phos
There are two kind of cells in the blood, red and white. When the percentage of red cells is reduced we call it anaemia. It is due to loss of blood in menses, piles or injuries. Sometimes, it occurs due to grief, sorrow, mental worries or malnutrition.
China/Calcarea Phos/Pulsatilla/Natrum Mur/Ferrum Met/Phos
Rheumatism, Gout, Arthritis, Sciatica, Lumbago, Synovitis etc. are diseases of one group and pain is the prominent symptoms in them. Sometimes the pain is in the back, sometimes in joint or nerve or muscle.
Rheumatic pain can be either in muscles or joints, and in joints there is sometimes swelling also. Pain in joints with sub acute swelling is termed. Lumbago is the name given to pain in back-lumbar region. Pain and swelling of knee etc. is called Synovitis. Sciatica is the pain of sciatic nerve which starts from lower back and goes right up to the foot.
Here are a few medicines which cure all these different pains if symptoms tally.
When movement of any part or whole of the body is retarded, we call it Paralysis. Sometimes single parts are affected such as tongue, eyes, speech, hand, leg, etc. while at other times half of the body is involved.
Aconite/Conium/causticum/Gelsemium/Oleander/Lathyrus/Lachesis/Baryta Carb
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