Thursday, 9 June 2011

Respiratory Disorders

There is a sound box in the throat with which we speak. Due to cold, overuse of voice or any sudden atmospheric change, speech becomes hoarse and difficult on account of inflammation.
Aconite/Belladonna/Spongia/HeparSulph/Lachesis/Kali Bicgrom/Ferum Pic
The mucus membrane of the air tubes is inflammed due to cold, suppression of perspiration, etc, and fever, difficult breathing and cough are common  symptoms. Sometimes it takes a serious turn, specially in children.
Aconit/Antim Tart/Bryonia/Kali Bichrom/Phosphorus/Lyco/Hepar Sulph/Sulphur/Bacillinum
Inflammation of lungs is called Pneumonia. High fever, difficult breathing, thirst and restlessness are the primary symptoms. In the second stage, exudation in lungs collects and comes out as sputum. In the third stage, sputum is ejected easily, fever subsides, and cough remains foe some time. In the bad cases, the third stage does not come and disease takes a serious turn. Then the sputum increases, extremities get cold, temperature falls to subnormal and subsequently the patient expires. A physician should be consulted in this disease. However, the following medicines are found useful.
Aconite/Phos/Hepar/Bryonia/Lyco/Antim Tart/Sulphur/Bacillinum
When the covering membrane of the lungs is inflammed, it is termed pleurisy. There is severe pain in the chest, fever, cough and sometimes a watery fluid collects between the lungs and membranes.
Aconite/Bryonia/Apis Mel/Arsenic/Kali Carb/Silicia/Sulphur
This is a serious disease, but the discovery of antibiotics has made it curable. The Bacillus Tuberculosis enters the body with the breath and attacks the lungs, deteriorating them. Fever, cough, debility are common symptoms. The patient loses weight. The bacilli can be detected in the sputum of the patient by microscopic examination. Those who are weak in health can contact the disease from any T.B patient but those who are health will not. Open air is essential for a T.B patient. Living conditions in cities are responsible for disease. Anxiety, disappointment, loss in business, grief, mortification, humiliation etc. are also some of the causes of T.B.
Tuberculinum/Bacillinum/Arsenic Iodide/Baptisia/Ferum Phos/Echinacea/Pyrogenium/Jaborandi/

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