There are occasions when one is suddenly injured, lightly or seriously, and has to be provided immediate aid and care. In many of such cases he is more shocked than injured, and shock itself requires treatment. There are burns, fainting, sting and bites, nose bleed, hiccups and fits, cramps in the night and various kinds of accidents.
These should be provided the usual First Aid quickly and intelligently, till proper medical aid arrives. The patient should be moved to a suitable place and kept warm. If the skin is broken, the wound should be cleaned and covered. If artificial respiration is needed, it should be given. If poison has been swallowed, it should be emitted by vomiting. Medicines should be given as follows:
Arnica/Calendula/Hypericum/Symphytum/Rhus Tox/Ruta/Hamamellis/Natrum Sulph/Echinacea
Sometimes when any accident occurs the injury is minor but the patient is so shocked that he become unconscious, and his hands and feet become cold. In such cases 3 to 4 drops of Comphor Q should be given with a little sugar; it can repeated every half hour. Veratrum Album 6 or Carbo Veg 6 is also useful in shocks. For aftereffects use Arnica 200 or Arsenic 200
In bites by bees, scorpion or fleas or other insects external application of Comphor Q or kerosene oil or onion juice is useful. The sting should be removed and it should be dressed with Calendula. Garlic is said to be very efficacious in such bites; its juice should be applied. In swelling and pain etc. Apis Mel 6 twice daily will do. For rat bites Ledum 6 should be given twice daily.
It is said that for scorpion bites lukewarm salt lotion should be dropped in the opposite side ear of the patient, i.e if the bite is on the left leg, salt lotion should be dropped in the right ear.
When there is an ordinary burn on any single part of the body, dress it with lime water. The burnt place should be kept covered with wheat flour or lotion of Cantharis Q ( 1 to 10 ) should be applied and the part be kept dressed with it. Cantharis 6 should be used internally twice daily. If cow dung is applied to the burnt place, it is said no blisters are formed and burning etc. is also relieved. When the clothes catch fire, one should not run away but should lie down at once. The burning clothes should be covered with a blanket. When the burns are deep and serious, hospitalisation is necessary. In fever, restlessness, burning, etc. Aconite 3x or Arsenic 30 should be given internally according to symptoms.
Travel Sickness
Some persons have nausea, vomiting and vertigo when travelling in a ship, steamer, bus or train in hills and in air. Sipping of lemon, Orange etc. gives relief. Lying down also relieves. Sometimes these symptoms persist even after the journey. The following medicines are useful.
Antim Tart/Cocculus/Apomorphia/Nux Vom/Staphysagria
Sun or Heat Stroke
There is fever, headache and restlessness. Onion is its best remedy, its juice should be given internally and should also be applied externally on hands and feet. Apply cold water pack or ice bag on the head. Massage in the back bone with linen soaked in ice cold water is also useful.
Glonine/Belladona/Gelsemium/Natrum Carb/Natrum Mur/Veratrum vir
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