Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The Second Principle

This brings us to the second great principle of Homoeopathy-Minima Minimus, smaller the dose, better the result.
To minimize the dose Dr. Hahnemann mixed the medicine with non-medicinal substances such as alcohol distilled water or sugar of milk. By a special procedure not only the dose was minimized but it was also dynamited that is as the molecules of the medicine were divided and subdivided, their curative power was increased. Though it was difficult to be explained in the days of Hahnemann, now it can be easily explained in accordance with the atomic theory. Hence minimized doses, though termed dilutions in early stages, were named as Potency later on.
These Potency are of two types: X Potency and C Potency.  X Potencies are prepared by mixing well one part of the original medicine with 9 parts of Vehicle, that is alcohol or distilled water or sugar of milk in cases of solid drugs. Similarly, C Potencies are prepared by mixing one part of the original medicine with 99 parts of Vehicle.
A Potency prepared in this manner is called 1x or 1c. One part of it is again mixed, according to the given method, with 9 and 99 parts of Vehicle to obtain 2x or 2c- and this process is repeated to give up to 3,4,6,15,30,200,500,1000,10000 Potencies. The higher the Potency the greater its dynamic power to cure.
Ordinarily X is always mentioned against the name of the drug such as ACONITE 1x, ACONITE 6X or 30x but C is not mentioned. ACONITE 30 means ACONITE 30c. 1000 is often mentioned as 1m, 10000 as 10M, and 100000 as CM. The original medicine is called Mother Tincture which is indicated by Greek alphabet Q (theta). As already mentioned, solid mother drugs are mixed with sugar of milk and grinded well in pestle and mortar according to prescribed procedure. This process of grinding is called triturating and the power potencies are called triturations such as ARSENIC 3x TRIT, BARYTA CARB 6x TRIT or CALCAREA PHOS 12x TRIT.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

First Aid and Emergencies

There are occasions when one is suddenly injured, lightly or seriously, and has to be provided immediate aid and care. In many of such cases he is more shocked than injured, and shock itself requires treatment. There are burns, fainting, sting and bites, nose bleed, hiccups and fits, cramps in the night and various kinds of accidents.
These should be provided the usual First Aid quickly and intelligently, till proper medical aid arrives. The patient should be moved to a suitable place and kept warm. If the skin is broken, the wound should be cleaned and covered. If artificial respiration is needed, it should be given. If poison has been swallowed, it should be emitted by vomiting. Medicines should be given as follows:
Arnica/Calendula/Hypericum/Symphytum/Rhus Tox/Ruta/Hamamellis/Natrum Sulph/Echinacea

Sometimes when any accident occurs the injury is minor but the patient is so shocked that he become unconscious, and his hands and feet become cold. In such cases 3 to 4 drops of Comphor Q should be given with a little sugar; it  can repeated every half hour. Veratrum Album 6 or Carbo Veg 6 is also useful in shocks. For aftereffects use Arnica 200 or Arsenic 200
Insect Bites
In bites by bees, scorpion or fleas or other insects external application of Comphor Q or kerosene oil or onion juice is useful. The sting should be removed and it should be dressed with Calendula. Garlic is said to be very efficacious in such bites; its juice should be applied. In swelling and pain etc. Apis Mel 6 twice daily will do. For rat bites Ledum 6 should be given twice daily.
It is said that for scorpion bites lukewarm salt lotion should be dropped in the opposite side ear of the patient, i.e if the bite is on the left leg, salt lotion should be dropped in the right ear.

When there is an ordinary burn on any single part of the body, dress it with lime water. The burnt place should be kept covered with wheat flour or lotion of Cantharis Q ( 1 to 10 ) should be applied and the part be kept dressed with it. Cantharis 6 should be used internally twice daily. If cow dung is applied to the burnt place, it is said no blisters are formed  and burning etc. is also relieved. When the clothes catch fire, one should not run away but should lie down at once. The burning clothes should be covered with a blanket. When the burns are deep and serious, hospitalisation is necessary. In fever, restlessness, burning, etc. Aconite 3x or Arsenic 30 should be given internally according to symptoms.
Travel Sickness
Some persons have nausea, vomiting and vertigo when travelling in a ship, steamer, bus or train in hills and in air. Sipping of lemon, Orange etc. gives relief. Lying down also relieves. Sometimes these symptoms persist even after the journey. The following medicines are useful.
Antim Tart/Cocculus/Apomorphia/Nux Vom/Staphysagria
Sun or Heat Stroke
There is fever, headache and restlessness. Onion is its best remedy, its juice should be given internally and should also be applied externally on hands and feet. Apply cold water pack or ice bag on the head. Massage in the back bone with linen soaked in ice cold water is also useful.
Glonine/Belladona/Gelsemium/Natrum Carb/Natrum Mur/Veratrum vir

Some More Diseases

These days cancer is said to be a fatal incurable diseases. Even the antibiotics have no solution for cancer. Even its causes are not yet known. Cancer can attack the tissues of any portion of the body. In the beginning it appears in the form of a small tumor without pain. If it persists for a month or so, Homoeopathic treatment should be started. If treatment is started early 75 percent of the cases are likely to be cured.
The tumor may appear on the tongue, check or any place on the outer body, inside the nose, throat, in the uterus of women, breast, in the stomach, lungs, liver, etc. If this tumor is cancerous it generally increases in size and destroys the tissues. An abcess is formed which ultimately turns into an ulcer or even gangrene. To ascertain whether the tumor is cancerous, a small piece of it is examined which is termed as Biopsy. If the result is positive no treatment is possible. If the tumor is removed by operation the cancer appears elsewhere. Sometimes the poison attacks the blood which is termed as Lukema or blood cancer.
Some scientists are of the opinion that mental tension due to disappointment in love, loss in business or any kind of grief, sorrow, mortification results in cancer. Smoking or chewing of tobacco is responsible for about 50 percent cases of cancer.
Carcinosin/Conium/Hydrastis/Carbo Animalis/Condurango/Cadmium Sulph/Phos
There are two kind of cells in the blood, red and white. When the percentage of red cells is reduced we call it anaemia. It is due to loss of blood in menses, piles or injuries. Sometimes, it occurs due to grief, sorrow, mental worries or malnutrition.
China/Calcarea Phos/Pulsatilla/Natrum Mur/Ferrum Met/Phos
Rheumatism, Gout, Arthritis, Sciatica, Lumbago, Synovitis etc. are diseases of one group and pain is the prominent symptoms in them. Sometimes the pain is in the back, sometimes in joint or nerve or muscle.
Rheumatic pain can be either in muscles or joints, and in joints there is sometimes swelling also. Pain in joints with sub acute swelling is termed. Lumbago is the name given to pain in back-lumbar region. Pain and swelling of knee etc. is called Synovitis. Sciatica is the pain of sciatic nerve which starts from lower back and goes right up to the foot.
Here are a few medicines which cure all these different pains if symptoms tally.
Aconite/Bryonia/RhusTox/Laccaninum/Colchicum/Apis Mel/Pulsatilla/Cimicifuga/Calcarea Flour
When movement of any part or whole of the body is retarded, we call it Paralysis. Sometimes single parts are affected such as tongue, eyes, speech, hand, leg, etc. while at other times half of the body is involved.
Aconite/Conium/causticum/Gelsemium/Oleander/Lathyrus/Lachesis/Baryta Carb

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Mental Disorders

We shall now deal with disease which attack the head which contains the most important organ of human body, the brain. It is the center from where nerves go to every part of the body. The brain controls all our bodily functions through this nervous system. A defect or any irregularity in the brain will result in mental and bodily aliments. Homoeopathy has a good reputation in the treatment of mental diseases. Here is a brief account of the mental derailments and their treatment.
in this disease a patient suddenly falls down and becomes unconscious. He has violent breathing, forths from the mouth, and has convulsions and cramps in the whole body.
Ignatia/Causticum/Caprum Met/Silicia/Calcarea Carb/Lachesis/Digitalis/Argentum Nit/Sepia/China
Insanity, Mania or Madness
There are many different kinds of this disease and a mad man exhibits different symptoms at different times. Sometimes he is dump, sometime talkative, sometimes he escapse from home or is violent and bites, tears clothes, swears, weaps, laughs, sings, handle organs or has delusions of various kinds. You wil find here a few medicines. Homoeopathy gives great important to mental symptoms and many incurable cases of mental disease have been completely cured by properly selected drugs.
Stramonium/Belladona/Ignatia/Sulphur/Aconite/Anacardium/Agaricus/Ammonium Carb/Am. Mur/
Argentum Nit/Aurum Met/Calcarea Carb/Calcarea Phos/Kali Phos/Lachesis/Lyco/Natrum Mur/Nux Vom/Pulsatilla/Rhus Tox/Thuja/Alumina/Silicia/Sepia/Conium/Spigelia/Chamomilla/Zincum Met
There is such a wide variety in mental diseases that the above mentioned drugs may not be sufficient. Yet more drugs may be studied and tried. Mental symptoms of all the drugs have been carefully marked and noted in Homoeopathy.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Diseases of the Digestive Organs

Colic (Pain in Abdomen)
Pain in abdomen is very common, it occurs due to various causes, such as indigestion, gases, acidity, flatulence, constipation, worms etc. The root of all these is poor digestion and our inability to assimilate the food taken.
Therefore, as soon as pain in abdomen is felt, all food should be stopped and hot water should be taken frequently. No food should be taken during the pain. Sometimes pain occurs on account of cold. Hot fomentation of the abdomen is advisable.
Magnesia Phos/Colocynthis/Dioscorea/Chamomilla/Lyco/Pulsatilla/Iris V
It is a common complaint. Purgatives should not be taken. Though they relieve for the time being, they do not cure the tendency. Moreover, when liquid stools are passed with their use, many vitamins also pass out and the patient becomes weak. According to the nature of constipation the following medicines may be used.
Nux Vom/Bryonia/Alumina/Opium/Plumbum/Graphites/Mag Mur/Causticum
Continous watery stools with or without pain is called diarrhoea.
NoxVom/Pulsatilla/China/Aloe/Arsenic/VeratrumAlb/Chamomilla/Aconite/AntimCrud/Calcarea Carb/Calarea Phos/Podophyllum
Chronic Diarrhoea
Sometimes ordinary diarhoea takes a chronic turn and lasts for months and years. There is little pain but the patient is unable to digest anything. He passes loose watery stools many times. In addition to the medicines already given under diarrhoea the following should be studied and tried.
Chaparro Amargoso Q/Vaccinum Myrtillus Q/Calcarea Carb/Calcarea Phos
This is an acute infectious disease characterised by violent vomiting, purging, cramps and collapse. The exciting cause is generally considered to be the Comma Bacillus, which was discovered by the German government. In cholera the patient gets thirsty but urine is suppressed in spite of the great intake of water.
Camphor/Arsenic/Ipecac/Caprum Met/Carb Veg/Aethusa/Antim Tart/Pulsatilla/Rhus Tox
It is a symptom of indigestion. There is abnormal acid in stomach, which results in sour eructations, burning and pain in abdomen. Acid fruits and sour things should be avoided; soda-bi-carb or soda water should be taken.
Calcarea Carb/Sulphuric Acid/Natrum Phos/Argentum Nit/Kali Carb/Carbo Veg/Lyco/Sulphur
Gastric Ulcer
Due to acidity the mucus membrane of stomach is often ulcerated. There is pain and burning. The pain is often relieved by taking some food but after some time it recurrs.
Hydrastis/ Natrum Phos/Kali Bichrom/Sulphuric Acid
Gall Colic
The liver secretes bile which is stored in the gall-bladder. Sometimes stone is formed in the bladder and when it moves and passes in blood vessels, there is severe pain.
Calcarea Carb/Berberis V/Cholestrinum/China/Carduus M
The liver is located on the right side of our abdomen and is a very important organ of our body. It produces bile, which digests our food. The main disease of the liver are its enlargement, its inflammation, its cirrhosis, i.e, hardening and jaundice. The following medicines have proved very efficacious in liver diseases.
Aconite/Bryonia/Mercurius/Chelidonium/China/Nux Vom/Lyco/Arsenicum/Leptandra

Kinds of Fever

The normal temperature of the body is 98.4 degrees F or 37 degrees C. When the thermometer after putting it for a minute or so in the mouth below the tongue shows a rise in temperature it is termed fever. The body becomes hot and the pulse rate increase in proportion of 10 to 1 degree rise in temperature. Respiration increases generally by 2 to 1 degree of temperature. Rise of temperature above 105 degree and fall below 96 are both dangerous.
In fact, fever in itself is not a disease but it occurs when there is a disease. When some derangement occurs in our body, Nature or our Vital Force tries to set right the derangement and fever is a symptom of that effort of Nature. Hence fever should not be got rid of by drastic medicines, but effort should be made to remove the cause of the fever. It often occurs when there is an inflammation or swelling in any part of the body. Fever also occurs when toxins or some foreign poisonous matter gets into the blood stream. Severe cold, heat of the sun, great weariness, etc, also result in fever. For such fevers the following medicines should be given.
Aconite30/Belladona30/Dulcamara/Pulsatilla/Camphor/Gelsemium/FerrumPhos/Bryonia/Rhus Tox/Arsenic Alb.

This is an intermittent fever the symptoms of which are common knowledge. Generally fever begins with chill, often severe chill, which may last for minutes or even a few hours. After the chill, fever rises and sometimes it is as high as 104 or 105, after a few hours the patient perspires and fever comes down to normal. This paroxysm is repeated the same time next day or after two or three days. When the fever attacks daily, it is called Quotidian, and when it recurs after 48 hours it is called Tertian and when after 72 hours it is Quartan. Sometimes both chill and perspiration or one of these are absent. This fever is caused by a particular mosquito which injects material parasites into the blood.
Homoeopathic medicines are the best for the treatment of Malaria. Following are some medicines for this fever.
ArsenicumAlbum/China/NatrumMur/NuxVomica/Sulphur/FerrumPhos/Lachesis/Thuja/Natrum Sulph/Pulsatilla/Calcarea Carb/Baptisia/Chelidonium

Typhoid fever is called enteric fever, fever of the intestines. There is no remission in this fever. In typhoid the pulse rate does not increase to extent it should normally increase with temperature, i.e., about 10-12 times with 1 degree rise of temperature. In the morning the temperature falls down daily but increase about 2 degrees in the afternoon and evening. The tongue is invariably coated thick. Generally 21 days is the period of this fever but sometimes it comes down in 14 days sometimes takes about 40 to 42 days. Some remitted fevers come down in seven days only. Constipation during the fever is a good sign; diarrhoea may create complications. Nowadays in Allopathy the use of antibiotic drugs brings down the temperature in 4 or 5 days but sometimes other complications arise. Properly selected Homoeopathic medicines too often cut short the attack and prevent complications. Complete rest, a liquid diet and proper nursing is essential in this. Following are some medicines for the cure of this fever
Bryonia/Rhus Tox/Baptisia/Arsenic Alb/Gelsimium/Helleborus

This is a very contiguous disease. It generally occurs during spring. If a child in family attacked by measles, nearly all the children are attacked sooner or later. The exact nature of the poison is not known but after poison gets in to the blood in a week or two, the disease begins with cold, coryza, fever and cough. After 3 or 4 days a red rash appears on the face and all over the body. Fever sometimes rises up to 103-104. After the appearance of rash the fever subsides in a day or two. Cough often persists even after the temperature comes down to normal. Sometimes the cold sets in the lungs and bronchitis or pneumonia may occur. High fever, diarrohoea or delerium are not good symptoms. Following are the medicines for the cure of measles.
Aconite/Belladona/Pulsatilla/Bryonia/Gelsimium/Ferrum Phos/Antim Tart

Small Pox
This is also a very contagious disease and like measles generally attacks children. Its incubation period (the time between the entering of poison in the body and appearance of fever, etc, ) is 10-12 days. The fever often goes as high as 105 and 108. 5-6 days after fever there are red eruption all over the body. Within 4-5 days pus is formed and all eruptions contain pus. There eruptions often cover not only the whole body but even the tongue, inner mouth and throat, eyes, nose etc. If the eruptions are close to each other the disease is considered to be serious. Ordinarily after 10-12 days these eruptions fade, pus is dried up and fever comes down. Those children who are vaccinated do not get this disease or even if it attacks, the attack is mild.
Any of the three Homoeopathic medicines, Variolinium 30/Viccininum 30/Malandrinum 30, can be given twice a week, and if there is some fever, it should be regarded as having served the purpose of vaccination.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Urinary Problems

Calculus ( Stone )
Stone is found either in  kidneys or in bladder. When this stone moves from kidneys towards bladder through ureter there is agonising pain. After the stone passes out the pain is relieved. He fomentation on the back as well as lower abdomen is always useful.
BerberisV/MagPhos/Sarsaparilla/Lyco/UrticaUrens/Acid Phos/Lithium Carb

Inflammation in kidneys
It is pretty serious disease, pain, fever, restlessness, dyspnoea are its usual symptoms. As the kidneys being involved do not function, the toxins or poisons which  are not excreted mix with the blood resulting in uraemia, unconsciousness and even collapse. Such cases should be entrusted to experienced physicians. A few medicines are given below.
Aconite/Terebenthina/Campher/Nux Vom/Gelsimum/Pulsitilla
Inflammation of Urinary Bladder
The symptoms generally begin with retention of urine, pain on passing urine, dribbling chill and fever.
Cantharis/Dulcamara/Aconite/Chamomilla/Acid Nite/Belladona/Causticum/Pulsatilla/Sabal Ser
When sugar is found in urine, it is termed  diabetes. Patient becomes weaker and weaker, losses flesh, is emaciated. One Major O’ Mera, Inspector General of Hospitals, in his book on tropical diseases says that the cured many diabetic patients by keeping them on Dab (watery juice in fresh coconut) for 2-3 months. Walking is said to be the best treatment for diabetes. I have known many cases who lived ling up to the age of 80-85 though they contacted diabetes in middle age, by taking recourse to walking for 8 to 12 miles daily, preferably in early morning hours. Lemon, papaya, bel, mooli, bengan, karela and jamun are said to be efficacious in controlling diabetes.
Syzigium Jambolanum/Natrum Sulph/Natrum Phos/Lactic Acid/Plumbum Iodide/Argentum Met

Respiratory Disorders

There is a sound box in the throat with which we speak. Due to cold, overuse of voice or any sudden atmospheric change, speech becomes hoarse and difficult on account of inflammation.
Aconite/Belladonna/Spongia/HeparSulph/Lachesis/Kali Bicgrom/Ferum Pic
The mucus membrane of the air tubes is inflammed due to cold, suppression of perspiration, etc, and fever, difficult breathing and cough are common  symptoms. Sometimes it takes a serious turn, specially in children.
Aconit/Antim Tart/Bryonia/Kali Bichrom/Phosphorus/Lyco/Hepar Sulph/Sulphur/Bacillinum
Inflammation of lungs is called Pneumonia. High fever, difficult breathing, thirst and restlessness are the primary symptoms. In the second stage, exudation in lungs collects and comes out as sputum. In the third stage, sputum is ejected easily, fever subsides, and cough remains foe some time. In the bad cases, the third stage does not come and disease takes a serious turn. Then the sputum increases, extremities get cold, temperature falls to subnormal and subsequently the patient expires. A physician should be consulted in this disease. However, the following medicines are found useful.
Aconite/Phos/Hepar/Bryonia/Lyco/Antim Tart/Sulphur/Bacillinum
When the covering membrane of the lungs is inflammed, it is termed pleurisy. There is severe pain in the chest, fever, cough and sometimes a watery fluid collects between the lungs and membranes.
Aconite/Bryonia/Apis Mel/Arsenic/Kali Carb/Silicia/Sulphur
This is a serious disease, but the discovery of antibiotics has made it curable. The Bacillus Tuberculosis enters the body with the breath and attacks the lungs, deteriorating them. Fever, cough, debility are common symptoms. The patient loses weight. The bacilli can be detected in the sputum of the patient by microscopic examination. Those who are weak in health can contact the disease from any T.B patient but those who are health will not. Open air is essential for a T.B patient. Living conditions in cities are responsible for disease. Anxiety, disappointment, loss in business, grief, mortification, humiliation etc. are also some of the causes of T.B.
Tuberculinum/Bacillinum/Arsenic Iodide/Baptisia/Ferum Phos/Echinacea/Pyrogenium/Jaborandi/

Heart Diseases

The heart is the most important organ in the human body. Its structure is very delicate. The ailments of the heart are very complicated and serious. Therefore, when a heart disease is suspected, senior physicians should be consulted, here we are mentioning remedies of some common diseases of the heart. If given in the beginning they will arrest the diseases and give relief to the patient.
Ordinarily our heart beats 72 times in a minute and these beats are responsible for the circulation of blood in the whole body. When there is some disease of the heart these beats are increased in number. This is called palpitation. The beats are increased even without effect of the heart. For example, when there is anaemia (poor blood ), anxiety, grief, loss of vital fluids, over-indulgence, fear, shame, mortification or drinking. During palpitation the patient is restless and anxious. To cure him the cause should be removed.
Aconite/Natrum Mur/Arnica/China/Cactus/Digitalis/Spigelia
Heart Attack
The pain is not due to any defect in the heart itself but it is due to some defect either in the muscles or nerves of the heart. Smoking, drinking, worries or rheumatism are also its causes. A shooting pain starts suddenly in the left chest and travels up to the left shoulder and arm. Dyspnoea, restlessness, rapid breathing and cold sweats occur and sometimes the patient becomes unconscious. At the time of pain often a few drops of Amylnitrate are put on a hand-kerchief and placed at the nose of the patient. It gives relief.
During the attack the pain is severe, rather unbearable. Take half a cup of hot water and dissolve 5 tablets each of Mag Phos 6x and Kali Phos 6x and administer spoonful doses every 5 minutes. This will relieve the pain. In case the fear of death, extreme restlessness and anguish, Aconite 1x or 3x drop doses should be given every 15 minutes.
Arsenic/Digitalis/Cactus/Spigelia/Crataegus/Acid Hydro
Blood Pressure
Nowadays there is much unnecessary propaganda of Blood Pressure. If any one feels a little headache he goes to his physician and asks him to check his blood pressure. Doctors too when they examine the patient, will check his blood pressure without fail, and will express anxiety about it, but the fact is that the blood pressure is not a disease in itself but only a symptom of a disease. When our blood vessels-veins and arteries-become a bit stiff due to old age or disease of heart, liver or kidney, the pressure in the blood vessels increases. Normally when the heart contracts the blood pressure is between 130-160, and 90-120 when it dilates. It is less when one is younger and high in old age. It is normally believed that one’s age plus 100 is his normal B.P
Dull headache, heaviness of head even without pain, loss of sleep, dyspnoea, anguish and restlessness are some symptoms of B.P. it becomes normal after a disease of the heart, liver or kidneys is treated successfully. Sometimes it is rises due to anxiety, worry. Loss in business, disappointment in love or due to failure in examination or defeat in elections etc. This rise is temporary and time cures it.
Ignatia/Acid Phos/Baryta Carb/Baryta Mur/Conium/Glonine/Sanguinaria
Low Blood Pressure
In some disease the blood pressure falls below normal which is not good. Sometimes it falls due to worry and anxiety or in some debilitating diseases.
Cactus/Crataegus/Lyco/Natrum Mur/China

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Try Homoeopathy To Avoid Surgery

We have explained in brief the principles of Homeopathic science, but we find that there are many misunderstandings in the minds of even well educated persons. We should therefore want to remove these as far as possible.
It is often said that there is no surgery in Homoeopathy and without it, it cannot be called a complete science. This is a great misunderstanding. Homoeopathy is a therapeutic science or the art of healing the diseases of human beings by using medicinal substances. Surgery is a technique, a method of removing certain impediments in the way of curing a disease, such as removing a thorn from one’s foot, or setting up a dislocated bone. If a foreign particle has entered one’s eye, we would have to remove the foreign body by washing the eye by using and eyeglass, or if we turn over the lid and clear the eye with wet linen, the foreign body will be removed. There cannot be two opinions about it. All sciences whether it Allopathy, Homoeopathy or Ayurveda, will take the same step. Therefore, where this kind of manipulation or surgery is needed, Homoeopathy will agree to it.
But there is difference of opinion regarding where surgery would be essential and where it could be avoided. We are of the opinion that in 50 percent of the cases where surgery is practiced it can safely be avoided. As soon as a case of tonsillitis or appendicitis is detected, Allopathy would at once advice surgery, but I can say from my own experience that many cases of appendix and tonsils have been completely cured by oral medicines, though there have been such cases of appendix and tonsils or fistula in which I myself have advised operation. Cases of gangrene declared incurable and advised amputation of the affected limb, yielded to Homoeopathic treatment and the patients are hale and hearty. Therefore no system of medicine and be called incomplete if it does not have surgery. It fact, surgery is common to all medical systems.
Often patients ask Homoeopaths: “Doctor, can homoeopathy treat a case of Asthma?” “Are there remedies for liver troubles in Homoeopathy?” “Can enlarged prostates be cured by medicines without operation?” There is only one answer to all such questions- that Homoeopathy can successfully treat and cure all such cases. It will, therefore, be wiser to give it a trial.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Dose And Selecting Potency

Homoeopathic medicines are available in four forms:
Mother Tinctures
Triturations Powder
Mother Tinctures are extracts of original remedies prepared mostly in alcohol. Pillules are made of cane sugar which is then absorbed with a few drops of liquid medicine. These are kept in small bottles and are quite easy to handle. Globules are smaller than pillules, and Triturations are in the form of powder or tablets made from powder which contains the medicine triturated with sugar of milk.
Pillules and globules may be taken dry on tongue or sucked but should not be swallowed. These could also be dissolved in pure water and taken. Trituration should be taken dry on tongue. One should clean his month before taking a medicine.
Ordinarily the dose of a liquid medicine is one drop in an ounce of pure water for an adult, for children ½ drop and for babies ¼ drops. If the medicine is in triturations, i.e. powder form, 3-4 grains for adults, 2 for children and 1 grain for babies is quite sufficient.
Pills or globules can be prepared of all the liquid medicines. Take small phial, fill two thirds of it with globules or pills and saturate these pills with a few drops of the liquid medicine. Shake well. These globules may be given 1 or 2 to babies. 2 to 3 to children and 4 to 5 to adults.
REPETITION OF DOSE: The dose is repeated according to the severity of the disease. For example, in cholera we can repeat the medicine hourly, half-hourly and even quarter-hourly. In ordinary diseases, doses may be repeated 4 to 6 hours. In chronic ailments, medicines are given once a week or even once a month or so.
SELECTION OF POTENCY: This is a very ticklish question. There are no prescribed rules for selection of potencies, but ordinarily low potencies such as 3x, 3, 6,6x or 30 are used in acute diseases, but in chronic diseases high potencies such as 200, 500, 1000 are used at long intervals. The highest potencies such as 10M, 50M, and CM are given in very chronic diseases at intervals of several weeks or even months.
IS AN ANTIDOTE NEEDED? When a patient begins Homoeopathic treatment, it is not always necessary to give him some medicine to antidote the effects of the previous medicines. Generally Nux Vom 30 to 200 one dose is said to antidote all other medicinal effects. But only time neutralizes the effects of drugs. If the case is not acute and urgent a dose of Nux may be given to start with.

Build A Symptom Picture To Cure The Disease

In Homoepathy we do not prescribe for a disease or a single symptom but we take in to account all the symptoms of the patient. We compare them with the symptoms or characteristics of suggested medicines and then prescribe one single medicine for the totality of the symptoms.
Symptoms are physical and mental. Physical symptoms include temperature, pulse, variations in behaviour, excretions from the body like stools, urine, sweat, vomit, phlegm, etc. The time when the disease is aggravated or ameliorated and its exact locations on the body have to be carefully noted. These should be noted in as much details as possible.
One should try to build a complete symptoms picture of the patient, starting from the head downwards, in a systematic and orderly way.
Great Importance is attached to mental symptoms. These symptoms include the patient’s appetites, cravings, feelings of anxiety, apathy, anger, etc. his dreams, and also his aversions. One should then compare these symptoms with the characteristics of medicines and select whichever is closest. This should not be done in a hurry.
It should now be clear that in Homoeopathy every patient is treated individually according to the symptoms of his ailments, and if carefully selected remedies are administered in the initial stages, many chronic and serious diseases can be avoided. The remedy thus selected acts upon the Vital Force and gives it the right guidance. It is this Vital Force that eradicates the morbid symptoms in totally and restores the patient to normal health.
I would like to quote a few instances from my own experience to impress upon the readers the importance of mental symptoms. A female patient about 50 years of age had developed cancer in her breasts and one breast was removed in the hospital. After some time she developed a small tumor in the other breast and came to me for treatment. One of her mental symptoms helped me to select the right remedy for her cancer. She was afraid of being alone but at the same time was depressed, felt timid and averse to society. This particular condition indicated CONIUM which was given in 1000 potency and this saved removal of other breast. She has been well for the last 7-8 years. The tumor still exists though reduced to great extent and without and pain whatsoever.
Another instance of a patient at Ferozepur jail is as follows. It was in the beginning of 1945 that a Muslim Asst. Superintendent was transferred to this jail from another jail. He consulted me for his bleeding piles. He had become very anaemic and had grown weak and emaciated. I gave him medicine for 3-4 days but there was no relief. He came to me in my cell and pleaded that the Dy. Superintendent was all praise for me and I should pay more attention to his cancer. He told me that the D.I.G Prisons had heavily punished him for a very small act of negligence. He had been demoted from Dy. Superintendent to Asst. Superintendent and that his piles too had aggravated since then. I took the clue and prescribed IGNATIA. This remedy acts wonderfully in ailments which follow grief, disappointment, worry, despair, mental shock or mortification. I need not say that IGNITIA cured the patient not only physically but mentally also.
Many children become irritable, they want to be carried in the lap and are obstinate, easily angered. A few globules of CHAMOMILLA 6,12 wonderfully calm such children. This remedy is often called the the opium of Homoeopathy, ACID PHOS works very well in the ailments of disappointed lovers. AURUM gold subsides thoughts of suicide and disgust for life.
Once a Member of Parliament consulted me. He said that for the last 3-4 weeks he had been feeling afraid of making and speech in Parliament, though all along he had been a good speaker. This called stage-fright. A dose of GELSEMIUM 200 totally removed this fright in him.
One Executive Engineer developed a strange sense of anguish and despondency which lasted only for about 2 hours in the evening. He felt he will not be able to work in the office; he will be unable to deal with the files. There was great tension in the morning but when he went to the office he was quite normal and the same tension returned the next morning. A dose of ARSENICUM 1000 relieved his tension in three days only.

Diseases Acute And Chronic

In Homoeopathy diseases are acute and chronic. Acute diseases or conditions are short and sharp, and the whole body is not necessarily affected. In Chronic conditions the body’s vital force gets disturbed to their depths and the disease keeps recurring. Their treatment should be left entirely to the doctor.
Every chronic disease often begins as an acute one. Acute diseases are of short duration, i.e., they begin and end within days or weeks, such as cholera, malaria,fever,cold,catarrh,measles, etc. Chronic diseases are those whose durations extends to months and years, such as asthma,cancer,T.B, piles,etc.
In acute diseases symptoms appear, increase and either end in cure or in death. In such diseases medicines are given frequently even at intervals of 5-10-15 minutes, according to severity of symptoms. In chronic diseases Homoeopathic medicines are often repeated weekly or monthly even at longer intervals.